Which probably makes you wonder what the point of this review is. Regardless of what I think, of either movie, One Piece fans need to probably judge for themselves. Now, if you're a One Piece fan, you have to watch it.

#One piece film z english subbed 720p online movie
When it started, I quickly felt the excitement I felt months ago, but that was quickly dashed as the movie progressed.

Way, and I forgot about it until it came out on blurray and I was finally able to see it subbed.

They were projecting it to be better than Strong World, and Oda was going to have a hand in it (which meant the possibility of something canon) I couldn't contain myself the first couple months it was in theaters in Japan. That being said, let's talk about this movie. Hell, part of why it's probably shounen series. Usually I can forgive anything that I find hard to swallow because it'll be followed up by something that's 100 times more awesome and kickass. It surely deserves to be nominated in Japanese Academy Awards and win Best Animated Japanese Film Awards or even Best Picture of the Year Awards. If this movie doesn't win major awards in Japan, I will be very surprised. I would love to talk about just about every scenes in the movie but I want to keep it spoiler-free. With Film Z, I feel that he understood what it took to make a movie that retains the breathtaking aura of One Piece series, and he delivered it. This was one huge gripes that I had with Oda's previous project, Strong World was a bit of a let down. To fit the plot in a movie length time span, it was surprisingly well done. The story had lots of explanation regarding the principle themes of the Marines and some characters were basically used strictly just for the sole purpose of providing exposition. This will have it's drawbacks for some though. This movie as an entirety was built around the Marine lore and back story. Brook didn't do a lot in terms of getting into battles, but he had his comedic moments just like Chopper. Chopper was funnier than ever before, but not entirely important to the story. Nami and Robin at times were used for fan-service until the climactic battle at the end. Usopp also had good action scenes, but not quite on the same level. Franky was the next in line after the Monster Trio. As for our lovable characters, the Straw Hats each got their turns to shine in this movie, however the stronger and prominent fighters such as the Monster Trio(Luffy, Zoro and Sanji) had their own individual opponent to fight. Character Z, also known as Zephyr had such deep story to him and if you love backstories of various characters in One Piece, you'll definitely love Z's. The movie focused on Z, at times even more than the Straw Hat gang. The title of the movie is quite self-explanatory. The angles and camera movements following every scene was done fluidly. The action scenes were animated far better than anything I've ever seen in previous One Piece movies or the anime. There was a lot of CGI just like Strong World. To melancholy themes that played throughout different scenes. It was different while at the same time maintaining that One Piece feel we all love high tension First half was "How You Remind Me" and then "Bad Reputation" played after that. If you watched the trailers, you know that two tracks of Avril Lavigne would be played in the movie but you won't hear that until the credit rolls. All I have to say is go watch it for yourself.įor this review it will be broken down into four parts: Music, Animation, Characters and Story. I can't express in words of how amazing this movie is.