If you cannot find your profile in the default location, try a search for *.icc or *.icm to find all the profiles on your system. On all Windows Operating Systems, the profiles are located: Mac HD/Users//Library/ColorSync/Profiles - profiles in this location can only be used by this user. Mac HD/Library/ColorSync/Profiles - if located here all users can use them, but only admin users and authenticated installers can add or remove them. On Mac OSX profiles are located at one of the following two locations: Also, you have to embed the ICC profiles in your layout program. However, ICC profiles are usually not installed on your computer by default so you have to do this manually. They are compatible with Windows, Mac OS and any other standard operating system.
#How to install icc profile mac high sierra for free#
These generally are not set as a system defaults, but are used at the application or driver level. The ICC profiles can be downloaded for free (more on this later). Printer and scanner profiles live in the same directory but typically will have names describing different paper settings for the printer or perhaps one for prints and one for transparencies for the scanner. Some applications will also store profiles in separate locations. It is quite common to have several profiles in the system, only one of which is being used at any one time. Profiles from X-Rite products are automatically saved to the proper location, and, in the case of monitor profiles, set as the system default. Some applications will store them in other locations as well. In order for the operating system and applications to access and use profiles available, they must be stored in the correct default locations. After downloading the ICC profile file(s) the file is simply installed to the computer operating system. Where do Profiles live, ICC Profile Locations on Mac and PC Operating Systems Ensure that ICC files are downloaded to a desktop / laptop computer ICC files DO NOT work with tablet or mobile devices.

ICC Profile Locations on Mac and PC Operating Systems Red River Paper offers the largest selection of inkjet paper color profiles at no charge. Out of Production Products - Find Your Upgrade How to download and install ICC color printer profiles with Mac OSX.